Results & Outputs

Study Report on the situation of young people with intellectual disabilities regarding their democratic rights and active role in society

This Study Report compiles the study on the legal rights of young people with intellectual disabilities both at national and European levels regarding their access to democracy, voting rights, representation in public forums, etc.; the conclusions drawn from focus groups, and the compilation of good practices about the promotion of active citizenship and democratic rights of young people with intellectual disabilities.

Study Report

Training modules for young people with ID and their trainers

This training provides the necessary tools for trainers to work with youth people with disabilities in the topic. During the beginning of the second year, youth people involved in the project will participate in a national training, which will allow them to acquire the skills to participate in safe spaces to influence youth policies.

Training Programme – Manual

Collection of Good Practices and Policy Recommendations

The Collection of good practices seeks to inspire other young people with intellectual disabilities or organisations working with them to implement similar activities that promote the active role in society of youth with intellectual disabilities.

Good Practices and Policy Recomendations
Good Practices Manual