
KMOP – Education and Innovation Hub, Greece

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre, established in 1977, is one of the oldest civil society organisations in Greece offering social support services and implementing various programs aimed at empowering and enhancing the well-being of individuals and communities. KMOP established KMOP Education & Innovation Hub, with the aim to create a knowledge hub that offers access to a wide range of educational programmes, resources and trainings, capitalizing on the knowledge that the organization has gained from its extensive work in the field. Our training programmes enable individuals and teams to navigate their social ecosystem towards achieving their goals and contribute to a more inclusive and sustainable future. So far, these programs have impacted the lives of more than 17,500 individuals, providing them with the tools and skills they need to succeed in all aspects of life.

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ALDA, France

ALDA – European Association for Local Democracy, is a French-registered association dedicated to the promotion of good governance and citizen participation at the local level in the European Union, gathering today more than 350 members, including local authorities, associations of local authorities, and civil society organizations, coming from more than 45 countries in the enlarged Europe. It was established in 1999 at the initiative of the Council of Europe to coordinate and support the network of Local Democracy Agencies (LDAs), which are self- sustainable, locally registered NGOs acting as promoters of good governance and local self-government, with which ALDA collaborates in many activities. To promote good governance and citizen participation at the local level in the whole Europe and beyond, ALDA leads a wide range of actions supporting local, national and international stakeholders in achieving their goals in the fields of European integration, decentralization, human rights, social inclusion, sustainable development, civic initiatives and much more.

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Fundación Manos Tendidas, Spain

Fundación Manos Tendidas is a charitable-assistance entity. The associates of the Foundation are mainly relatives of people with disabilities, industry professionals, volunteers and collaborating partners. Our main objective is to integrate people with physical and/or mental impairment in the socio-laboral environment. As a result, we promote a high quality of life for our beneficiaries and their families. We offer a specialised day care service for people with intellectual disabilities who, due to the nature of their condition, require specific treatment. Therefore, we provide individual attention, personal and social empowerment, rehabilitation and coexistence to those who, due to their characteristics, cannot stay at home all day. Once the incorporation into the labor market has taken place, the Foundation’s Multidisciplinary Team provides individual and personal monitoring until they fully adapt to the job position.

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Aproximar develops, implements, and provides services in 4 main sectors and since 2007 has participated in projects related to school, education and strengthening the community’s social capital, which has enabled the consolidation of a sector dedicated exclusively to Education and Community Empowerment. This sector has a totally dedicated team focused on developing and implementing innovative approaches to empower and promote healthy communities. Preventing is the focus but APX also try to develop new responses to answer to emergent needs that arise within the local communities, such as high risk of early school leaving, absenteeism, deviant behaviour, school prison pipeline, people with disabilities and NEET. APX try to offer tailor made answers according to the local needs of the communities, respecting their individuality and diversity, doing impact assessment, innovation approaches to train teachers and the school community, parents’ empowerment, restorative practices, participatory approaches, mentoring schemes and others.

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Asociacija "Kūrybinės ateities idėjos", Lithuania

NGO “Kūrybinės ateities idėjos” KAI works as an umbrella organization, connecting deaf people organizations from West Lithuania region, schools, training centers. KAI activities are mostly related to improving target groups creativity skills. KAI training is based on non-formal activities, games, both life and virtual. KAI trainers are experts in this field: they work with schools’ teachers, pupils, disabled people and social workers. KAI has produced a variety of tools and measures for non-formal games in these topics: Art therapy, team building, creativity. Trainers use these tools in their daily job with youth, also rent them for other organizations.

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